
Beauty in the Beast (Zutara) Chapter Three

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Azula smirked as she calmly strolled into Zuko's room as he was engrossed into his homework, his hair covering his face as he mindlessly scribbled away, the sounds of scratching the only noise in his room as the door was swung open. Zuko's scratching ceased the moment he heard the door open behind him. His shoulders slumped forward, exhaustion weighing on his body as he placed a hand over his forehead.
"Oh, Zuko, don't be so dramatic." She scoffed. "It's just me." That's the problem. He thought, with a quick roll of his eyes.
"What do you want, Azula?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of his story. She gently sat on the edge of his bed; her legs crossed contently, leaning back a bit against the plush mattress.
"Zu-Zu, I heard you weren't playing with your little girlfriend, Mai." She said with false concern, her tone near condescending, like an adult speaking to a small child. It was Zuko's turn to scoff as he pushed his hand from the desk, daring himself to look at her.
"You mean your friend."
"She is your betrothed you know. Couldn't you pay more attention to her?" Zuko's golden eyes strayed to his paper as he sighed before resting his head on his hand. "Seriously what kind of a fiancé are you?" We aren’t even dating. He groaned to himself recalling how much his own father and Mai’s parents had pushed the two of them together.
"I'm busy and I'm sure she is too; everyone was swamped with homework this week." Clicking his tongue, he moved his main focus back to his work as he traded his pencil for an eraser, he aggressively rid himself of the mistake on his paper.
"Goodness Zuko, you act like you don't even like her!" Aggravated, Zuko growled slamming the eraser down against his flat palm.
"I do like her! Okay?! I'm just..." He paused for a moment and glanced at his sister, not missing the cocked eyebrow and the cocky curving at the corner of her lips, "...not focused on Father's plans and all right now." He leaned back against his chair letting out a frustrated sigh. With a roll of her eyes, Azula got up and started heading towards the door.
"Well you better get focused on it. You know how important our relationship is with Mai's family and you know what your betrothal is for." She stopped at the threshold looking back towards her older brother. "I hope you know... Father's not pleased with you." At that, she closed the door making him sigh.
"When is he ever pleased with me?" He asked himself, his hand on his head.
Katara watched Zuko talk to Mai at lunch, a small pale red showing on her cheeks as she made room for him. After he sat however, no words were spoken. Instead, they simply ate. Zuko moved a little closer to the girl making her chuckle and look down.
"Ever hear of personal space?" She deadpanned before taking a bite of her food.
"Nope." He matched her deadpan and scooted closer much to the pleasure of the black haired girl. After a couple moments of sitting so close, Zuko moved back to his original spot with a small smile. It could be worse, he thought to himself, she and I seem to have the same dry humor at least. So, there's that. He focused back on Azula who seemed to be pleased with the small effort Zuko made as she spoke about her plans to run the school in a matter of a year to a very attentive Ty-Lee, never taking her eyes off her, pure admiration in her large grey eyes. Katara rolled her eyes at them and sighed as she continued to eat. Aang took the opportunity to grasp her hand, his brown eyes peering into her light blue ones as she looked at him a little shocked from the sudden contact.
"Katara, please don't stress about them anymore. They aren't worth it." Katara sighed a bit feeling her blood cool.
"You're right, Aang." She smiled softly. "I shouldn't let them have that kind of power over me." Aang nodded pleased as he squeezed her hand softly. Azure eyes sparkled lightly as she gave him a gratuitous smile as she slowly took her hand back. "Thanks for that." Aang blushed at her smile, shyly looking away from her hiding his disappointment and the emptiness of his outstretched hand. Sokka chuckled at the brown haired boy with a playful roll of his eye before looking towards the door for his beloved. Suki came with a group of girls giggling as the lot of them parted before Suki accompanied herself with another girl, she exuded confidence, her long flowing jet black hair swaying behind her in a long ponytail. Her pale skin contrasting with her skin tight red and black outfit. Suki smiled walking to Sokka kissing his temple before motioning to her friend.
"Hey guys, this is my friend June." She crossed her arms and gave a small smirk. "June, you know my boyfriend Sokka." Sokka smirked at her and chuckled. "Yeah, I still never forgave you for throwing me into the wall." June shrugged, her smirk never faltering.
"Shouldn't have looked suspicious." Suki rolled her eyes and continued.
"This is his little sister, Katara. Katara, this was the girl I mentioned a while ago when I was talking about you joining the martial arts club. And last but not least, the guy next to her is Aang. They've been friends for years and this is his first year here." Katara grinned and made room for the two girls as they sat down. Suki smiled and sat on Sokka's lap much to his approval as he wrapped his arm around her waist kissing the nape of her neck lovingly. She giggled and squeezed his thigh.
"I missed you too." She smiled knowingly. Sokka just smiled and kissed his lover's neck again chuckling at the way she shivered a little. Katara playfully rolled her eyes at the couple but smiled loving seeing her older brother so happy. June fake gagged getting Suki's attention as she and Katara laughed a little.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry." She chuckled. June then turned to Katara and smiled.
"So...Suki told me a little about you, but I like to get to know a person myself. So tell me about yourself."
Zuko looked at the paper he was supposed to complete. His mother's picture to the left of his laptop, an eternal smile of her looking down at the young Zuko, her eyes so loving and full of care for her child, his head on her chest with not a care in the world. A frozen moment that the young boy took for granted, unknowing that that fleeting moment of him in his mother’s arms would be one of the last times he would ever feel safe. Innocence ruled his thoughts at the time and his naivety and curiosity ran rampant within him. A thirst for knowledge only nurtured by her kind words and patience. Chuckling sadly as memories rushed to his head, Zuko placed the picture down gently, his thumb lingering over Ursa's face. It's been far too long Mom. Where are you? Suddenly it struck him. Where are you? That's perfect. Inspiration struck him as he typed furiously on the keyboard, every feeling he had, every doubt that dared to cross his mind about her, flowed on the screen. His throat was burning as he willed himself to keep typing, his hands creating his every pained memory that he had since his Ursa's disappearance. Page after page he wrote, he screamed, he testified on his assignment until every last word was typed. Once he stopped he had no idea how much his chest burned, how out of breath he truly was. His head was low, he panted heavily, his eyes squeezed shut, pushing back the tears that pricked the corner of his eyes. His head shot up to feel a hand on his shoulder as he turned his head to find the source of it relieved to see it was Iroh, his face full of concern and worry.
"Is everything alright, nephew?" Zuko sighed and looked down.
"Yes, Uncle. I'm fine." Iroh gave a small knowing smile and looked over at his nephew's work.
"Where are you, huh? Sounds interesting." Zuko's lips curved into a small smile. "You know; I could never get this whole technology thing. But I do know that typing doesn't normally make you all that tired." A small playful scoff flew off Zuko's lips.
"Are you making fun of me?" He asked. It was Iroh's turn to chuckle.
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." His hands were on the young one's shoulders as he squinted to read the words on the screen. Zuko looked up at his uncle straining to read with a small smile.
"Need me to make the font bigger?" Iroh let out a small laugh.
"Now you are the one making fun of me."
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." Zuko got up without a word and left his uncle to read the work he had created. "Maybe it's a sign you need glasses." He pointed out before starting to leave his room. Iroh dismissed that thought with a wave of his hand and grunt of disapproval. A laugh erupted from his nephew as he shook his head. Stubborn old man.
Katara sighed and looked over her work satisfied with what she had wrote. Her hand went to her necklace, the chilling feeling of the pendant against her neck as she stared at the picture of her mother. Sokka burst open the door and smiled at her.
"Gran-Gran's here~" He chimed before shutting the door behind him and rushing back downstairs. Katara smiled and came down stairs with vigor, eager to see the elder woman. With a bright smile, Katara wrapped her arms around the woman holding her close.
"Hi Gran-Gran!" The grandmother smiled and held her granddaughter close a small smile on her face.
"You've grown up so beautifully, Katara. You look just like your mother." Katara gave a small pained smile like she always did when Kya was mentioned. Knowingly, she cupped her granddaughters face and kissed her nose.
"I know, my dear, we all miss her terribly. But just know that you and her brother are living for her. She's not entirely gone." Katara nodded in her grandmother's hand and sighed.
"I know Gran-Gran," she started, "but it's just hard." She nodded and smiled softly.
"I know, my dear. But...everything happens for a reason, there are no accidents. And though life isn't fair at times, or is rough, there's always something good that will come from it." Sokka gave a wry chuckle.
"Then I guess we're in for a lot of good later on huh?" Gran-Gran smiled and stroked her grandson’s cheek lovingly before he took her bag and made his way towards the empty room.
"But enough about sad things, I want to hear good things. How's school? How's that little monk friend of yours?" Katara smiled.
"He's doing fine; he's actually going to school with us." Gran-Gran raised an eyebrow at her curiously. "Apparently, Monk Gyatso let him go to a public school now until he graduates. I don't know how he was convinced but he's going to school with us." She smiled.
"Ah, I see. Is he still following you around like a little puppy like he's always has?" Katara stammered as blush rose to her cheeks. Sokka laughed boisterously coming down the stairs.
"Oh, yeah, Gran-Gran, he's never stopped following her around." He answered. Annoyed, Katara glared at her older brother.
"Sokka!" The older brother laughed and shook his head.
"It's true! Everyone notices but you!" Just as she was about to say something, the door opened.
"Speak of the devil." Both Gran-Gran and Sokka chuckled much to Katara's dismay as she placed her head in her hand and the young monk's confusion.
In class once more, Zuko felt the glares of Katara from across the room, those sharp personalized daggers stabbing at the side of his head. This has been going on since the first day of school. He mentally griped. I'm sick of this. What the hell's her problem? He looked down at his assignment waiting for the teacher to come in as he tried not to show his aggravation towards Katara's hostile nature. I can still feel her glaring at me. He groaned. I'm sure my family probably did something to hers at one point, or maybe she's just pissed off about the shit that Azula is pulling but I still don't need to feel her murderous looks every second I'm in her general surroundings, it's getting really old really fast. He turned his head towards her, meeting her hate filled eyes before his own narrowed back at her, garnering a look of surprise from her and the students around them. Her surprise quickly changed back to one of rage as she pushed herself up from her desk not daring to lose eye contact with him as she stood up ready to make her way towards him as their teacher rushed inside causing her to sit back down in a huff.
"Good morning everyone, I'm hoping everyone found something to write about." One by one the papers were passed up at the desk as he smiled and gave them an in-class assignment to do while he read them. The two of them passed cold cruel glances at each other as time went by, both of them getting more and more frustrated with each other by the minute. One of the girls grabbed Katara by the arm with a small sigh.
"Katara, stop glaring you're going to get yourself in trouble!" She warned in a hushed tone. "I mean; you know who he is right?" She asked. Katara gripped her pencil harshly before slamming it down.
"I know exactly who that bastard is and where he comes from." She growled catching his attention. The air around the classroom grew stale and harsh as Zuko turned to face her, leaning his side on the back of the chair coolly.
"You don't know anything about me." He stated firmly yet harshly. Katara snarled at the scarred boy across the room from her.
"Oh, I don't?" She laughed coldly.
"No." He responded without hesitation. "You don't." Before she could say anything the bell rang and the crowd of students began to disperse. Zuko disappeared the crowd as Katara followed after angrily.
"Don't even worry about her, Zuko. She's just some irate classmate, right? Why even bother with her?" Mai sighed not bothering to hide her boredom with his griping as she leaned against the foot of the canopy bed as she watched him pace back and forth running his hands through his hair.
"But she doesn't even know me!" He huffed as Mai watched him, her hand on her chin. "She acts like I personally did something to her! I've never even seen her before! What the hell!?" She groaned loudly catching his attention. She snaked her way towards him, her hands sliding on his chest and moving up to his shoulders as she felt her lips curve upwards.
"Relax, it's not like you're going to be around her a lot, I mean, she's in what? One of your classes?" Zuko sighed and looked down placing a hand on her back gently as she placed a head on his shoulder.
"That's not the point, Mai." She looked at him curiously. "She glared at me like...I was the one who hurt her, personally. She glared at me as if I was a monster.” Mai rolled her eyes at the statement. “She looked at me as if she only saw...Him." Having enough, she put her hand up to his jawline pushing it to look her in the eyes.
"Look, maybe your family did something to hers in the past. Either way, it's not your problem, its hers, so there's no point in worrying about it." Unsatisfied, Zuko calmly moved her from his body as he sighed making way out towards the courtyard. "Zuko where are you even--" she groaned as he closed the door behind him shutting her in with her own thoughts. Her fists clenched as she ran her fingers through her soft black locks, frustration pooling in her as she left out a long sigh.
I finally added another chapter! HUZZAH!!!Onion55 
I'm hoping you're enjoying the story! Muajajaja..How funny..Onion 
First Chapter
Second Chapter
Next: Chapter Four Alone..Onion 
© 2017 - 2024 MissXCocoa
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